Saturday, 29 March 2025
Living Quarters
Barn and Condominimum Combined is a barn with living quarters or a barn style home.
Gable Barn
Triangular Shaped Roof
is a barn with an "A" shaped roof that has a single pitch ion each side.
Gambrel or
Dutch Style Barns
A barn with a double slope on each side of the roof and the lower slope is steeper than the upper.
Garages &
Garage or shop for your home, ranch or business.
Horse Barns
Livery Stable
Horse Barns are for housing horses or other livestock. Livery Stable are where horses and carriages are kept for hire.
Lean To's
Additions - Add Ons
A simple structure added to an existing building, the rafters are "leaning" against the exisitng building's exterior wall.
Monitor Barn
Raised Roof Barn
The cnter part of the rood is raised and is higher than the majority of the roof.
Pole Barn
Canopy Roof
A barn with poles and a roof only or a full barn with a frame built of wood roof trusses connected to vertical columns.
Free Standing Lean
typically 1 to 4 stalls - with an attached tack and or feed room
Steel Buildings
Steel Frames
Steel Buildings are Completely Metal. Steel Frames the Frame is steel, everything else is wood or oer materail.

Alabama Gambrel Barn Builders, Alabama Dutch Style Barn Builders,